Business Planning Workshop

Program Description

There are many excellent ideas. Unfortunately, excellent ideas do not always turn out. Often, a simple and straightforward analysis of the idea will provide good information on how feasible, realistic, and financially viable an idea is.

Participants learn how to turn an idea into an actual reality. It all starts with a plan and this workshop helps idea makers create just that.


Depending on the detail required from the community this workshop can be anywhere from 1-3 days in duration.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Provides a meaningful structure to the analysis of an opportunity
  • Demonstrates due diligence while building commitment to the idea
  • Provides insight into characteristics of an entrepreneur, personal development and financial temperature of the individual
  • Creates an expectation that ideas and concepts need to be well documented
  • Protects all ideas, including those which are more creative and unusual
  • Accelerates the process of Business Case development and time-to market
  • Clarifies roles in the preparation of the Business Case
  • Allows for the building up of a data base of Business Cases for future usage