Business Review and Evaluation Training Session

Program Description

Chiefs, Council Members, Senior Managers learn how to analyze and evaluate a given program or activity to confirm its direction, determine whether it should be terminated, or whether it should be refitted in terms of its elements or direction.

The workshop covers processes for reviews, which are both narrow and wide in scope, including preparation for the review, data gathering and interpretation, and preparation of recommendations. We will work with your team to develop the processes and adhere to the guidelines.


Depending on the detail required from the community this workshop can be anywhere from 1-3 days in duration.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Make business process re-engineering into a more useful framework
  • Involves stakeholders and subject matter experts in the process of change
  • Reduces the expectation of downsizing as a necessary output of the process
  • Places a clear timeline on the review and the changes to be made
  • Reduces the cost of the review through the involvement of key people
  • Establishes a clear expectation that something will be done
  • Tracks implementation to its successful conclusion