Creative Design Workshop

Program Description

Many of us have forgotten how to be creative, locked as we often are in organizations that do not credit right brain thinking. Yet, we desperately need to create as individuals, and the organization we work in needs our best creativity as it develops the products and services of tomorrow. There is a constant need for the organization to nurture and support the creativity of its people, to ensure its continuing viability and success.

This program promotes the use of creativity, innovation and collaboration to improve the programs and service delivery of the organization. There is an increasing recognition that new ideas are the lifeblood of the competitive organization. To assist client organizations in designing, developing and bringing to market innovative products and services.


Depending on the detail required from the community this workshop can be anywhere from 1-3 days in duration.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Removes blockages for new ideas in the organization
  • Makes creativity and innovation a regular feature of organizational life
  • Validates individual and team creativity and innovation
  • Increases permission for anyone in the organization to offer new ideas
  • Provides tools to generate a fresh supply of ideas at little or no cost
  • How to ensure the continued viability and success of the organization
  • Shows how creativity contributes directly to the bottom line